“TROPICAL SYMPHONIES” is a series of works, each one consisting of a sound art piece and a wall culture. At first, the artist collects a series of sounds from the surrounding environment that generate an impact on her. In this way, she records audios and documents time and space of each sound. Then, through audio editing software, Englebert imprints her vision, combining these sounds in unique melodies, creating new imaginaries of space and time, since each melody is made up of sounds collected in different territories, at different times, combined in a new situation conjugated by Englebert.
Once these unique tropical symphonies have been created, the artist, on the one hand, mints them in an NFT, and on the other hand, translates them into tangible matter, creating metal sculptures that draw the combination of sound waves of each symphony. These works allow nature to inhabit one’ s home,
achieving a synergy between experience and lived space.
Hearing is one of the senses that builds the most emotionally charged brain connections, linking sounds to memories that have generated a deep impact
on our being. Thus, the simple act of listening to certain sound waves is capable of evoking strong memories and emotions in the viewer. The song of a particular species of bird transports us to childhood gardens, the sound of the sea takes us to moments of leisure and friendship enjoying the sun, the noise of cars traveling on the highway brings us back to times of living in particular areas of the city. Deeply personal, the associations of a sound to
an emotional memory mobilize us and lead us to interpret each work in this series in a different way. In turn, the choice of working with sounds has a strong
relationship with Englebert’s research on the intertwining of the fields of art and biology, involving an inquiry into brain connections and the stimuli that trigger physiological and psychic responses.

Audio Recordings
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Audio recording of the sound of crashing waves in Miami Beach.
January 13th, 2022. 03:39PM UTC.

Audio recording of the sound of a storm in Miami Beach.
January 15th, 2022.09:27AM UTC.

Audio recording of the murmur of wind and birds in Miami Beach.
February 9th, 2022. 02:53PM UTC.

Audio Recordings

Audio recording of the murmur of wind in Palm Beach.
February 12th, 2022. 10:35PM UTC.

Audio recording of feet walking on sand in Miami Beach.
January 30th, 2022. 11:05AM UTC.

Audio recording of the sound of the sea in Key Biscayne.
January 24th, 2022. 09:32PM UTC.